عملية اطفال الانابيب في الرياض

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السبب بعملية اطفال الانابيب هو الحصول على البويضات الناضجة من مبيض الزوجة وتخصيبها فى المعمل بالحيوانات المنوية للزوج والانتظار حتى تتكون الاجنة فى محضن خاص ثم ارجاع الاجنة الى رحم الزوجة.
مركز ذرية الطبي أفضل مركز طبي لعلاج العقم في الرياض ﻣﻦ ﺣﻴﺚ ﻧﺴﺐ ﻧﺠﺎح اﻟﻌﻤﻠﻴﺎت أﻃﻔﺎل الأﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ، اﻟﺤﻘﻦ اﻟﻤﺠﻬﺮي والمسح اﻟﻤﺠﻬﺮي ﻧﺴﻌﻰ دوﻣﺎً لتقديم الأﻓﻀﻞ في السعودية ويشمل الامراض النسائية ومتابعة الحمل وطب الجنين وايضا امراض الذكورة۔ وما يميز المركز هو استقطاب الكفاءات والخبرات المتميزة وايضا استخدام أحدث التقنيات في مجال طب الانجاب والاهتمام بالخصوصية والدقة المتناهية وأيضا تغطية كافة مجالات طب الانجاب.

الفارق بين عملية طفل الانابيب وعملية الحقن المجهرى
بالنسبة للمريض ليس هنالك اى فرق على الاطلاق. فكلتا الطريقتين تمر بنفس الخطوات. اما الفارق فهو بالنسبة لطبيب المعمل ففى حالة طفل الانابيب يضع البويضات مع الحيوانات المنوية وينتظر ان تخترق الحيوانات المنوية حائط البويضة بنفسها اما فى حالة الحقن المجهرى فيقوم دكتور المعمل بحقن الحيوان المنوى ضمن البويضة بابرة خاصة.

لعمل عملية اطفال الانابيب يلزم الآتى
  1. ان يكون هنالك مبيض واحد على الاقل وان يكون منتجا للبويضات اما بطريقة تلقائية او بعد التنشيط. ويمكن معرفة نشاط المبيض ومدى ما به من مخزون بويضات بعمل تحليل هرمون FSH فى اليوم الثانى لنزول الدورة الشهرية. فاذا كان مستوى الهرمون يزيد عن عشرة فان مخزون البويضات يكون ضعيفا واذا ارتفع عن 20 فانه لا من الممكن عمل طفل الانابيب لعدم قدرة المبيض على ما ينتج بويضات حتى بعد التنشيط.
  2. ان يكون الرحم طبيعيا قادرا على حمل الجنين ويمكن معرفة ذاك بتصوير الحوض بالموجات فوق الصوتية واحيانا ايضا باستعمال منظار الرحم.
  3. ان تكون خصية الزوج منتجة للحيوانات المنوية التى من الممكن الحصول عليها اما من السائل المنوى او باستخراجها من الخصية بعملية جراحية بسيطة.

دواعى اجراء عملية طفل الانابيب على الاغلب ما تكون
  1. استئصال او انسداد قناتى فالوب.
  2. وجود التصاقات بالحوض نتيجة التهابات او عملية جراحية سابقة او نتيجة داء الاندومتريوزيس.
  3. معضلات خاصة بالزوج بما فيها عدم وجود حيوانات منوية بالسائل المنوى حيث من الممكن في بعض الأحيان الحصول عليها من الخصية جراحيا، وحالات نقص عدد او ضعف حركة الحيوانات المنوية وبالأخص اذا فشلت محاولات التلقيح الصناعى او وجد ان التلقيح الصناعى لا يجدى اصلا نتيجة النقص الشديد فى عدد وحركة الحيوانات المنوية.
  4. حالات كثيرة يكون عدم الحمل فيها غير معروف الاسباب برغم اجراء كافة التحاليل والفحوص المستحقة واللازمة وفى هذه الحالات قد يكون السبب ضمور فى الاهداب المبطنة للانابيب او إضافة سمك حائط البويضة او غيرها وهذه الحالات لا من الممكن اكتشافها بالفحوص الممكنة. وكلما كان عمر الزوجة اكبر فان اتخاذ قرار عمل اطفال الانابيب يلزم ان يكون اسرع حيث ان مرور الزمن لا يكون فى صالح الزوجين.

كيف تتم عملية اطفال الانابيب
تم تنشيط المبيض باعطاء حقن تحتوى على هرمون FSH بجرعات كبيرة للمساعدة على نمو اكبر عدد ممكن من البويضات وفى نفس الزمن ايضا تعطى حقن اخرى تساعد على بقاء البويضات ضمن المبيض وعدم خروجها تلقائيا حتى يقوم الدكتور بشفط البويضات من المبيض.
يتم عملية شفط البويضات من المبيض عن طريق المهبل تحت مخدر عام عندما تبلغ البويضات الحجم المناسب
يقوم دكتور المعمل باضافة الحيوانات المنوية للزوج الى البويضات او حقنها فيها ثم توضع البويضات فى محضن خاص حتى يتم الاخصاب وتكوين الاجنة.
يتم وضع الاجنة فى انبوبة بلاستيكية خاصة وتحقن الاجنة فى رحم الزوجة. وتتم خطوة استرجاع الاجنة هذه بعد يومين او ثلاثة من يوم شفط البويضات.
تعطى الزوجة بعض الادوية التى تساعد على نمو الاجنة ضمن بطانة الرحم وتنتظر الزوجة حوالى اسبوعين لتقوم بعمل تحليل دم لمعرفة حدوث الحمل من عدمه.

المشاكل والصعوبات التى قد تحدث اثناء عملية طفل الانابيب
قد لا يستجيب المبيض للادوية المنشطة وتظل البويضات صغيرة او تنمو بعدد زهيد كثيرا مما يستدعى الغاء العلاج فى هذه الدورة. وفى هذه الحالة قد تعاد بعض تحاليل الهرمونات لمعرفة سبب كسل المبيض وعدم استجابته وقد يلجا الدكتور لاستخدام ادوية اخرى وبطريقة اخرى فى الدورة التالية لتنشيط المبيض.
العكس قد يحصل وهو ان يحصل تنشيط زائد كثيرا للمبيض فتنمو عشرات البويضات وقد ينتج عن ذاك مضاعفات شديدة اذا لم تعالج بطريقة سليمة. فاذا وجدت المريضة ان هنالك آلام شديدة بالبطن او ضيق بالتنفس او نقص مقدار البول فعليها ان تشاور الدكتور فورا.
بعد شفط البويضات قد يجد دكتور المعمل ان البويضات ضعيفة وشكلها غير طبيعى ويكون السبب فى ذاك على الاغلب طبيعة خاصة بالمبيض او لسبب كبر سن الزوجة.
بعد حقن الحيوانات المنوية فى البويضات قد يتم الاخصاب ولكن الاجنة التى تتكون تكون ضعيفة حتى بعد بقاءها زمان اطول فى المحضن مما يستدعى عدم اتمام عملية نقل الاجنة للرحم والغاء العملية فى هذه الدورة.
قد يتم تكوين اجنة طبيعية نفس قدرة متينة على الانقسام وعند نقلها للرحم لا تلتصق بجدار الرحم لاسباب لا نعلمها، وبالتالى لا يحصل الحمل.

سبة نجاح عملية طفل الانابيب تتكل على عوامل كثيرة اهمها
– عمر الزوجة فكلما ارتفع السن كلما قلت نسبة النجاح.
– نشاط وحيوية الحيوانات المنوية فاذا كانت الحيوانات المنوية مشوهة او عديمة الحركة فان النسبة تقل كثيرا.
– وجود امراض بالحوض للزوجة بما فيها الاورام الليفية والاكياس الدموية، والاكياس الصديدية ولهذا يستحب معالجة او استئصال هذه الامراض قبل اجراء عملية طفل الانابيب.
– قد تكون جميع العوامل مناسبة للحصول على نتائج جيدة ولا يحصل الحمل بعد عملية طفل الانابيب لاسباب لا يعلمها الا الله.
– وعموما فان نسبة حدوث الحمل فى اطفال الانابيب لا تزيد عن 40-50% فى احسن الاحوال اى ان نسبة الفشل اكثر من نسبة النجاح.

فى حالة فشل عملية طفل الانابيب متى من الممكن عملها لمرة اخرى؟
يستحب الانتظار لشهرين حتى يستعيد المبيض سابق شكله وتتقلص الحويصلات التى تم تنشيطها فى المحاولة السابقة وتختلف المدة من حالة الى اخرى حسب درجة التنشيط التى وصلت لها الحويصلات بالمبيض. ويمكن اعادة محاولة اطفال الانابيب لعدة مرات ولكن عند فشل المحاولة الخامسة فان نسبة النجاح فيما بعد تقل ونظرا للتكلفة المرتفعة لعمليات اطفال الانابيب فان المقدرة المادية ايضا احد العوامل المحددة لعدد مرات المحاولة.

اقرأ المزيد في علاج العقم واﻟﻌﻤﻠﻴﺎت أﻃﻔﺎل الأﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ في الرياض: https://thuriah.com.sa

The Right Wedding Singer Makes Your Reception A Real Party

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There are three things that all wedding receptions must include to turn out as memorable and successful events. The three “G’s” of good food, good times, and good entertainment will make your wedding reception into an event enjoyed by all who attend. Generally taking care of the first and third of these concepts will guarantee the second. Good food is generally attained by hiring a competent caterer and not serving okra. Good entertainment brings with it a number of options and, unfortunately, none are ever ensured to be as good as they purport. One entertainment option for wedding receptions is the wedding singer. For far less than you’d pay a band and a bit more than you can expect to pay a DJ, you can get an entertainer that is a master of ceremonies, singer, and comedian all rolled into one.

Popularized by Adam Sandler’s 1998 film The Wedding Singer, the person fulfilling this role at your reception will entertain you and your guests from start to finish. The wedding singer keeps the “show” aspect of the reception rolling along smoothly by providing music for dancing, and introducing various aspects of the reception such as the throwing of the bouquet/garter, and the unwrapping of wedding gifts. A good wedding singer will be the life of the party, keeping everyone in a good mood and having a good time by filling the lulls with witty comments and by singing his heart out. Some wedding singers will also have the guests sing, making parts of the reception a kind of karaoke party. Everyone loves karaoke. Even those who claim to despise it actually have a tiny Mel Torme, David Lee Roth, or Richard Cheese deep inside them just aching to get out. The wedding singer will bring this out in people.

Finding a wedding singer to hire for your reception is often as easy as looking through the telephone directory or searching the Internet. You’ll find that there are all types of wedding singers available to perform at your reception. Wedding singers will generally have a variety of musical styles to offer in their repertoire. Some offer general services which include a number of popular songs that they can perform at your wedding. Others are more specialized and offer “tribute” performances to famous singers like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett or even the likes of Barry Manilow or Burt Bacarach. Most will be more than happy to discuss your musical tastes with you and gear their performances accordingly. Whatever musical style suits your particular tastes, you’re sure to be able to locate a wedding singer willing to perform it for you.

Easy Steps to Pre-Wedding Weight Loss

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Proviso you’re receiving married you would like headed for glare comparable a princess taking place your wedding day. once all, the cinema desire ensue looked by the side of via you perpetually as a consequence it’s the calendar day you acquire headed for ensue the a large amount charming child all the rage a area chock-full of people. proviso you’re looking headed for tally outshine hooked on your wedding gown, at this point are a number of tips headed for avoid you glare your greatest formerly the ‘big day’.

We provide you with many self improvement articles, you can find many self improvement tips here, and also a lot of weight loss tips, hope you will enjoy them!

Water willpower stop your nature plus desire assistance your metabolism composition faster. achieve positively you gulp profusion of irrigate all calendar day as well as get out of diuretics comparable auburn in addition to beverage current to the same extent a great deal so possible.

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If you’re idea as regards up for grabs taking place a diet in addition to don’t comprise months headed for find ready, in attendance are a number of brief weight loss diets with the intention of bottle avoid you mislay weight fast.


The Calorie Shifting Diet
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The Special K Diet
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Sacred tenderness Soup Diet
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Do You Need Special Ideas For Your Wedding?

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A wedding party is special because it’s more than a celebration of the coming as one of two individuals. It’s a time to meet with friends and family who you might have been wanting to see for a long time now. Coming up with the best marriage ceremony suggestions is an achievement for any person.

A marriage ceremony is difficult to plan and execute all by yourself especially if you’re hard-pressed for time and everyone expects you to bring in the best ideas. Wedding ceremony is a complete new realm to single people, which means the wedding party must be a nostalgic farewell from one phase of the bride and groom’s life to the next. Considering that the couple is dizzy with excitement and couldn’t wait to start off out a new life, the wedding party should be very nostalgic. Here are some ideas you might use when you’re planning a wedding party for a special bride and groom…

1. Making plans for the VIP listing

Ensure that absolutely everyone in the VIP invitee list of guests has played a role in the newly weds’ life. These people are those who will be giving a speech to the newly weds. They will be wishing the newly wed couple a pretty good life as one, and therefore the speakers you decide upon must have known the newly wed couple since the very beginning of their relationship. Go for the buddies that might have been instrumental to the getting together of the love birds.

You may ask the newly weds to listing their best associates, or the one who influenced them to stick with each other through tough patches of their relationship. Include admired teachers if ever the newly weds went to college together. Include other individuals who helped them out in some way. Whatever you have to do, by no means request the ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend to speak on the microphone because it might become thorny for everybody. Get the newly weds involved in your whole process of cutting and expanding the visitor listing so that all people on it is approved by the newly wed couple.

2. Sending invitations for the wedding party

Not all people may be reached by email or phone so the good old snail mail is still the most secure. It’s not a pretty good idea to post on your web publication or on fb for the reason that anyone might think they’re invited. Having the newly wed couple sort through your roll may even help with mailing planning. Keep in mind that, you have to be familiar with the precise addresses of your guests so you may mail them the invites. You can trim the list according to this requisite, of who may be reached or not.

3. Marriage ceremony and social gathering design

Here is the second thing that you have the couple to authorize. The theme of the reception get-together will dictate what type of invitations you will definitely ship out. While a lot of the wedding parties nowadays are austerely formal, you may want a different kind of theme for the marriage ceremony you are setting up. The point is, the dress code for the get-together and the food you’re setting up to give out will depend on what the themes is. Select flower-themed invite greeting cards if the overall ambiance of the wedding reception has some thing to do with springtime or summer season.

Choosing Wedding Hairstyles For You

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When you’re getting ready to get married, it’s important to look at a wide range of wedding hairstyles. Your wedding should be the most memorable events in your life and for that event, you’re going to want to look perfect. If you’re going to spend hours and hours looking for a wedding dress, why not take the time to make sure you’re hair is perfect too?
Looking for the perfect hairstyle isn’t that difficult. All you have to do is pay attention to the hairstyles on the women in the bridal magazines. This is often better than looking through hairstyle magazines because you can see what the hairstyle actually looks like with the dress.

Going Up or Staying Down
In many ways, looking for a wedding hairstyle is a lot like looking for a wedding dress. You have to make several decisions up front. Should your hair be up or down? Curly or straight? Classic or whimsical? Most hairstylists will suggest that you go with something you’re familiar with. For example, if you usually wear your hair up, you might want to go for an up do. People are generally more comfortable with their hair if they’re at least mildly familiar with the style.
Before you decide whether to put your hair up or down, consider the wedding venue. If you’re getting married on the beach in the middle of August, you might want to put your hair up. This will keep you cooler and keep the wind from blowing your hair in your face during the ceremony.

Some Wedding Hairstyle Advice
Hairdressers will tell you not to wash your hair before you get it done for your wedding. So, the day of your wedding, do not wash your hair. It doesn’t matter how bad your hair looks, just don’t wash it. Unwashed hair takes better to styling products and, if you’re getting your hair done, it will be full of styling products.
When you go to get your hair done, make sure to wear a button down shirt. You do not want to put a shirt over your head after your hair’s been done. This will mess up your hair.
Also, don’t let your wedding day be the first day you try your new hairstyle. Ask the hairdresser if you can come in a week before the wedding and try out the style. The stylist will just run through the style very quickly. This will let you see if you like the style before the big day. If you don’t, you can work with your stylists to find other wedding hairstyles that will work for you.

Wedding Arrangements - Sticking To Your Plans

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What every bride-to-be needs when planning a wedding is a drill sergeant to keep everything running smooth. The biggest problem that comes when planning a wedding isn't that you can't find the right color in fabric or that you can't decide on a caterer; it's about getting everyone else to follow your wedding plans.

The hardest thing is to make sure everyone is doing what you've asked them to do and they've done it on time. There's nothing more stressful than worrying about whether or not your grandma who's coming from out of town has a place to stay or not. That's the one huge advantage of having a wedding planner; you have someone who'll let your friends and family know that things aren't getting done on time and you won't have to worry about being labeled a bridezilla.

If you don't have a wedding planner, you need your maid of honor working at her best so pick carefully. Another problem is actually checking up on whether things are being done or not and instead of asking or nagging your friends and family to tell you what's still in the works or how much of the archway that your brothers were building for your wedding is still left you can actually go and have a look yourself. Save time by calling the stores or emailing sites where you've ordered things to track your stuff. If you asked your mom to order fresh fruit arrangements or fruit bouquets, simply call the store to check if your wedding arrangements have been ordered and if they're the ones you picked out.

Edible centerpieces are a new trending way to decorate wedding tables; fresh fruit arrangements and fruit bouquets are some of the most popular centerpieces that are featured in top wedding arrangements.

Wedding Arrangements - Themes for a Church Wedding

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Every bride plans a wedding theme for her big day but the ones who are lucky enough to have a church wedding are often faced with certain restrictions that brides getting married at hotels or some outdoor venue won't normally have. The thing about a church is that, it's first and foremost a church and it's not likely that you'll be allowed to make a whole lot of alterations according to the theme.

For most churches, you can use fabrics and flowers to decorate the pews and maybe the aisle runner. Any other change will have to be cleared with the church itself. A simple way to have a church wedding and be able to decorate it more is to have one in the church garden. The environment is pretty much the same but it's likely that you'll be allowed to make more changes.

You can opt to exchange vows inside and simply have the reception outdoors. Since the ceremony venue and the reception area are in close proximity; you can decorate your heart out on the reception. It's best to keep things simple and use simpler props like trees and arches. Use fabrics to emphasis a color scheme and avoid using candles.

Make sure the food is easy to serve and you don't need too much table ware. Not all churches have enough space for a big wedding reception and if you need to squeeze some tables in; you'll have to make sure the table isn't cluttered. Keep the centerpieces simple like fresh fruit arrangements or fruit bouquets. They can be the dessert and a unique part of your wedding arrangements.

Unique centerpieces are key to making your wedding arrangements stand out; fresh fruit bouquets and fruit arrangements are one of the most popular wedding gifts and table centerpieces.