Inevitable Part of a Wedding - Wedding Cake

The cake has been part of weddings for many years and over the years it has turned out to be an inseparable part of every wedding. No wedding is complete without a cake, in fact it has become as important as the wedding ring. The cake finds a very prominent place in every Christian wedding. Anyone, however rich or poor doesn't plan to wed without a cake.

Over the years the wedding cake has evolved according to the changes in society. It was not a cake in the weddings initially. The wedding cake has a very rich history behind it. Its introduction in wedding dates back to the Roman Empire, though it was in a different form. During those days loaf of bread was used instead of a cake. As time progressed the cake took over from the bread and has stayed till date.

The wedding cake has a purpose to serve other than just being eaten by the guests. It is a tool used by the society to symbolically make the newlywed couples take a vow to fulfill duties that each have for the other. In the ceremony the couple cut the cake together, this is to symbolize that from now on they are to handle every task together. Each of them has equal part to play in making their married life a happy one. Next they feed cake to each other. This signifies their obligation towards the other. Even the decoration of the cake carries a special meaning. Invariably the cake in wedding come with a model of a couple placed over the topmost layer. This figure stands for the togetherness of the couple. Now that they are married they are meant to be together for the rest of their lifetime.

With time the wedding cake has taken various forms and shapes. It also varies depending on which part of the globe is the wedding taking place. For instance in some European countries the fruit cake has been the traditional wedding cake. Over the years the fruit cake has paved way to cakes of other flavors. Now the choice of the flavor depends on the couple. In a few weddings one may find cup cakes. There are two basic reasons why cup cake is preferred. The first being that it is less harsh on the budget and the second being that a cup cake is easier to serve.

The cake has been part of the wedding for so many years because it successfully adapts to the changing demands of the society as it evolves through the passage of time. The cake offers a lot of room for the baker to experiment. The bakers always have something new to offer with the cake. This is yet another reason for the inseparability of the cake and wedding reception. The flexibility of the cake has helped it to retain its position that it enjoys in a wedding and it will continue to do so for years to come.

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