Wedding Arrangements - Tips For Your Table Centerpieces

When you go to a wedding and see stunning centerpieces at the reception you very rarely think that choosing these centerpieces might actually be one of the more time consuming tasks ever and you only find out the truth when you're planning your own wedding or helping someone plan theirs.

Once you get down to it; you'll find that the candles, flowers confetti or whatever else has wowed you at weddings take a lot of time to decide and it's mostly because of the wedding theme. Wedding themes come first and the centerpieces come afterwards and it's very rare that people will actually let the wedding centerpieces decide the wedding theme. So if you've got a wedding theme all picked out and you're trying to decide on centerpieces here are a few things that can help you make things fit in with your theme more easily.

If you're going to have flowers at the wedding; and you can't fit the ones you want into your budget; go for a creative option with the vase. The flowers alone shouldn't tie in everything with the theme; it's the overall effect of the centerpiece that's going to give your table a finished look.

Go for something creative; like edible centerpieces. You can use fruit bouquets and combine dessert with the centerpieces to give your wedding arrangements a unique touch. This will increase the flexibility of your budget and might even end up saving you some money in the end.

Go for something local and seasonal. If you don't live in a big and happening city and the stores aren't likely to be able to fill orders in a tight time frame or when they're getting a lot of them (summer is a busy wedding season) find something in your immediate area instead of going with big flashy names.

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