More than half of polled prospective brides openly acknowledge transgressing proper wedding etiquette. That means that more than half of brides-to-be (because, after all, it's probably the first time getting married) have accidentally made mistakes when it comes to wedding etiquette. That doesn't let the guests off the hook though. This list has been compiled due to the many post-wedding complaints about sub-par wedding guest behavior.
The number one wedding guest error is showing up to a wedding with a guest that was not invited. Another one is forgetting to RSVP by the correct date. Even worse is RSVPing in the affirmative and then not even showing up.
Another of the serious mishaps that a wedding guest can commit includes ditching the ceremony in lieu of the reception. Because a wedding highlights the sacred bond between two people, and solely taking from the free buffet highlights your lack of respect, it's inadmissible, even contemptible, to skip the ceremony and head straight to the reception. Legitimate reasons for showing up late to the ceremony should be apologized for genuinely, such as child problems, the airplane trip, or a broken down car.
A third guest archetype comes to the reception with one thing in mind: the alcohol. The problem drinker can embarrass everyone, and, at the worst, disrupt the wedding and have people remember it poorly. The least it can do is cause the drunkard to be a hot topic of conversation at the morning-after lunch; that's not all right if the drunkard in question is a close friend or relative because it reflects poorly on the bride and groom or their family. Filter your guest list accordingly if you think an alcoholic will upset the wedding and not be able to hold his drinks.
A fourth type of 'problem guest' wears white at the wedding. Almost 4/5's of brides that were polled said white was not all right to wear. Any variation of white is impermissible.
Another type of guest is the backseat driver. This guest tries to nitpick, criticize, and pinpoint things he doesn't like about the wedding - from the location, food, band, etc.
A certain type of guest closely related to the immediately aforementioned is the one that switches seats. The seat switcher offends almost half of all couples, according to polls. Couples have thought carefully about seating plans, and they've arranged seating plans according to their own desires and thoughts. It's not up to you to shake up the arrangement. Dinner is a special time. You'll have loads of time to mingle, hang out with your friends, and network with other people there at different phases of the celebration.
Other wedding no-no's include giving recycled gifts, bringing uninvited friends, asking about the wedding's budget, and asking to try on the engagement ring. Don't step all over someone's wedding, wedding plans, or wedding ceremony with any of your shenanigans. These are all examples of how your own self interest or lack of respect can give a bad impression to the bride and groom. Hopefully this list will serve as an introductory primer to all potential wedding guests.
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